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David Hamilton
Dr. David Hamilton was born in Mobile, Alabama, and graduated from Mobile County High School. He received ths Honorary doctoral degree from Cathedal Bible College in 2004. He is the president and founder of Mishkan Ministries.
Mishkan Ministries is an; "UNCOMMON" ministry of inspirational Tabernacle teaching. Dr. Hamilton compels his students to experience the Pattern of this Old Testament, God given structure. Today as it pertains to there body, the Temple of the Holy Ghost. His teaching equips the pupil with the knowledge of: how to measure them-selves by Gods divine plan.
Being totally comitted to his calling, Dr. Hamilton has traveled all over America teaching and demonstrating the revelational lessons of "God's House".
Having been asked many times how he came to be involed in such a ministry? Dr. Hamilton gives this personal testimony:
When I started
with this ministry in 1991, I did not know its purpose, nor did I know the
message I was to preach and teach to God's people. It started in June of
1991. I worked as an architectural designer, and general contractor for
the state of Alabama for about 15 years. One night, being unable to sleep. The place I knelt to pray was upon a ROCK: about midnight. The time and place will later be symbolically understood as being very significant in the birth of this ministry.
There God spoke to my heart and said, "I am
going to give you an UNCOMMON MINISTRY." I know it was God because I
would have never used the word UNCOMMON with a ministry. I would have
described a ministry as being unusual, different, or even unique, but never
The next morning, I mentioned to a friend how the Lord visited me and called me, then: caused me to forget that special night. Afterwards, I began to be inspired concerning the things of the Tabernacle. With this inspiration came the deep spiritual understanding and enlightenment about the vessels and furnature. So compelling was the inspiration, so revealing was the enlightenment, that i saw it with my mind, I understood it with my heart and desired to build it with my hands. It was at this point that God had a vessel, totally committed,mind,soul,and strength. The anointing took control of my being to reconstruct these; God's Holy Objects. The Spirit moved me with an urgency to complete the first exhibit very quickly. Working on it every day, even into the late night hours, I felt consumed with something much bigger than myself. And being larger than myself, it required more than I could give, it required the Anointing
I worked on my
project for seven and a half months. (I say project, for I did not know at
the time that this would be my ministry.) I worked, studied, prayed,
constructed, lived, ate and slept thinking about the Tabernacle. I then
felt it was time to take what had been built, and the messages about these
things, outside the walls of my workshop and study. So in Janurary 1992 I felt led to
inquire about setting up my collection of Tabernacle items at the Bogalusa Bible
Conference. From there it went to Alexandria, LA, in Feburary to a meeting called: "Because of the Times". From that time until now, doors have not ceased to open.
Three months after
I started traveling with the display, I was sitting in a church about 10:00 a.m. As I was looking at the display from the pews the Lord spoke to me again and said, "This is the UNCOMMON ministry I said I would give you." I began to weep. This was the first time
since I started the project; that I remembered the Lord's original message. God had caused me to forget that call until after it was together. I believe had
this call to an Uncommon ministry been in my forethoughts, then my goal would have been to produce something different or
unusual of my own direction and understanding. This way, God led me to
find things that would, in turn, become a teaching tool in that UNCOMMON
I am blessed to be
called to take the Tabernacle and its furniture as it was in its beginning,
God's portable visual aids, back on the road into the wilderness of biblical
darkness, until we reach the Promised Land of spiritual understanding.

Home base of
Mishkan Ministries, Mobile, Alabama.
Teaching the Tabernacle Experience at TBN Studios
